Remember the old McDonald's jingle for the McLean deluxe (as in mick lean, not mick clean, as this thing surely did
not clean out the arteries)? The hot stay hot and the cool stays cool. It was an ingenious design to serve the thing in a standard styrofoam container, the ones that open and close like clam shells--but here's the ingenious part---serving it with the container
open, i.e both sides face up/concave, with the hot part of the burger (one half of the bun and the beef) on one side, and the cool side of the burger (lettuce,tomato) on the other, on top of the other bun. Will such a feat ever be duplicated in the annals of asinine marketing? Will it ever cool down?

Oh, I know, it's way too early in DC to say "will it ever cool down?", being only early June. But when the ride starts out in 70 degree weather, it can only go up from there. The forecast is for 98 degrees in DC today (but a much nicer 97 up here in Gaithersburg where I work) so hot damn this should be a fun ride home. The wall of heat is felt at intersections or any time you stop. Then it fades with the breeze of forward motion, until it doesn't, and your ears remain hot from stoplight to stoplight. It's not good when your ears are palpably hot. I don't look forward to that in few hours, when I catapult from my seat at work and head out on the Tikit into the hot, blue (hazy) yonder. But, given my 17-year-old car has no air conditioning, I'll gladly take the bike.
Lately on my commute-by-bike days, I've been tacking on a couple extra miles. It did wonders this morning, as I was literally humming and clicking my heels as I headed from

the warehouse (where I "park" the bike against a random crate) into the office. It's nice to come to work with that positive feeling, even if some days it can get ground out of you like garlic through a press. But I like what I do, for the most part, and I love the casual environment. Any place I can wear shorts, and park my bike inside---gravy! So, here's to all us working stiffs, and especially those that choose to bike when they can. I only hope I can make it work when the baby is born. Oh yeah, that's another post to come!