Today I dusted off the older folder. My Dahon Speed P8 which hasn't seen the underside of my bum in quite some time--well, since I bought my Bike Friday, actually. But I had a short errand to run, and I like the fold of the Dahon better than the BF.
The Dahon does not feel as rock solid as the BF. Nor is it as quick. But the stock Schwalbe Big Apple, 2 inch-wide tires really soak up the DC cracks and potholes. It's a bit of an urban road warrior, this bike.
I pulled it out of the trunk of my car, where it has sat for some time, waiting for me to get the gumption to take it to the bike shop where I bought it so they can see if it is part of the Dahon handlepost recall. Yeah, I guess I'm living a little dangerously. All fun and games until I go OTB and smash my teeth in :).
But, my trip was uneventful, and I dodged the rain, safely ensconced in Two Amy's, having some neapolitan pizza. And, better than that, I saw one of the staff slicing up what looked to be some amazing cotto salami, so I asked him for a slice. He instead gave me a full primi piatti (small plate) with some bread, too! Turns out he had aged this batch himself, and it was awesome--buttery and spicy and oh, so damned good with a Tipopils italian beer, one of the new wave of italian beers that aren't a version of Heineken. This beer has bite, verve, nerve and a great finish. Thankfully Italy has caught a bit of the craft beer bug.
So the Dahon rode me to Two Amy's and back in some version of style. It's an urban assault bike, to be sure. There is nothing glamorous about this bike. But with wide tires and a deep red body, it has a low, mean look just suited for the city streets. The fold may not be the smallest in the biz, but it's quick and greaseless. I took the bike inside with me. That's another reason to love Two Amy's and any place that doesn't look askance at folding bikes in their midst. I will gladly plug any establishment that understands a folder is generally smaller than a baby stroller and should, in my humble, cyclist opinion, be allowed indoors. Happy riding!
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