Are you just happy to see me (writing again)? As I've previously reported, the Bike Friday handles a twenty pound bag of Dog Chow, and now it has been proven that the Nashbar small panniers can just manage a whole roasting chicken. Boy, is that a plug for Nashbar, or what?
As I was stuffing the chicken into the pannier, I had visions of the Animal House scene where they are at the Food King, stealing meat. Boone is stuffing various steaks and one rotund pot roast into Pinto's tucked-in sweater, and I felt the same stuffing this obese little bird into the side saddle. And no, I did not steal this bird from Safeway. It made it through the checkout line before reaching my pannier.
So, add poultry portaging to the "Can Do" list of the amazing Bike Friday, the little bike that lugs a load. And speaking of...
I went for a job interview earlier today, at a health club. I am keenly interested in a change of careers to personal fitness training. Here's where bike riding becomes an added bonus. When asked during a health club interview just what you do to stay in shape, it's a dandy answer to proudly say you get groceries on your bike. I got a nice, pleasantly surprised "oh really?" from the interviewer. No need to mention the poultry. I didn't want to ruffle any feathers. I ride for health, I ride for future wealth, I guess. There's something so very Normal Rockwell about it all, really. Commuting to your local Safeway on your bike, stopping by on the way back and chatting with friends at the tennis court around the corner. A boy, his bike, and an oven roaster chicken!
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