Today the DC Flyer and I went across town to a fledgling bike cooperative---the Bike House in Petworth, DC. This is a small group of volunteers who meet on the, um, grounds of Qualia Coffee on Georgia Ave, NW. Check out Qualia Coffee here:, and check out the Bike House Co-op here:
Qualia extends its backyard to the Bike House. It was a blast hanging out, meeting "customers" and even fixing a flat and making a (hopefully will hold successfully) boot for the punctured tire out of a round-cut piece of plastic milk carton from the recycle bin. As always, the DC Flyer garnered much attention and a serious "Whoooaaa: that was waaay cooler than I even imagined" response from one of the volunteer mechanics when I folded the rear triangle/wheel under the frame.
It was great to see some old, resurrected bikes make their way to the gathering. I worked a little bit on a Schwinn Varsity, in it's glorious original electric Kermit green; the same paint, I do believe, one would have found on an AMC Gremlin from the same era.

All told, it was a great time at the co-op. I hope to go back once a month and learn and help. They also have mechanic clinics one hour before the general public can drop by, so I can hone my primitive skills before tackling customers' bikes. The weather was beautiful (right before some rain tomorrow!) and everyone was cool. I hope this group finds a permanent home. I wouldn't want them to "roast" in the summer sun if they're still out back of Qualia Coffee come summertime. Sorry, I had to go there with the coffee pun, and I don't even like coffee. But I do like bikes :)
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